If you are considering getting into the escort / companionship industry there are many important considerations to make before taking the plunge into a relatively secretive but especially lucrative occupation. We have compiled a comprehensive list of our top five tips, derived from our vast experience of operating in the industry.
Why do you want to become an escort?
This is a fairly easy question for most prospective escorts to answer. Often men and women starting in the industry are drawn to the ability to work for themselves and the glamourous and fast lifestyle. Of course, the earning potential is also very lucrative and it works conveniently around studying at university or working a full-time job as it is mostly evening work. The reality is actually that quite few escorts do make big money and those that do tend to be full-time escorts because the late-night appointments make maintaining a day job a complicated act to juggle. However, if you are just looking for an easy top-up of your monthly day job salary, escorting is the perfect way to spend a few evenings each week.
If you know somebody who is an active escort or a former escort, even if it is via a tenuous connection, it is invaluable to set up a meeting and ask them to explain the specifics to the industry to you and any tips that they may have for somebody entering the business. An escort agency will often connect you with a current escort prior to starting mainly to provide reassurance and to put you at ease.
How safe is escort work?
Escort work is generally very safe providing that you follow a few basic rules and screen clients diligently. If you work with an escort agency, they are often very experienced and will know information about the clients each escort will see. The escort agency will also blacklist troublesome clients and filter timewasters. Working as an independent escort, the escort will have to quickly learn these important skills, especially how to identify and ignore timewasters. Agencies will keep track of the whereabouts of the escort to ensure that they arrive and leave appointments safely and can also provide a driver / security for escorts. Many escorts find this reassuring and will tend towards joining an agency rather than trying to go it alone as an independent escort. Independent escorts often form a “buddy” partnership where one will inform the other about their whereabouts and to check that they leave appointments safely and on time.
Escorts should never reveal too much personal information about themselves to a client because websites such as LinkedIn and Facebook as well as other social media platforms can be used to identify somebody’s real identity. This can lead to numerous security and safety issues.
How to market yourself
Marketing oneself as an escort is quite a skill. Escort agencies often have their own websites and will often also advertise on numerous paid or subscription-based platforms. Agencies tend to invest substantially in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to fine-tune their website to be looked upon favourably by search engine algorithms such as Google and Bing. Generally, you know a good escort agency if they appear on the first page of Google.
An independent escort may opt to market themselves on Twitter and Instagram (no adult content allowed) or create their own website. There are also a number of directories that escorts can create a profile on to get the phone ringing. Some such platforms allow escorts to read feedback on potential clients as well as clients to post feedback on the escort. Obviously, plenty of good feedback will help the escort connect with new clients, however, a few bad reviews can become immensely damaging to the reputation of an escort. For this reason, independent escorts often rebrand themselves annually, but more successful escorts with a strong brand may keep the same persona throughout their escorting career.
Attracting good, regular clients
Successful escorts are usually very effective with building a reliable, regular client base. This is achieved by impressing clients and building a strong rapport with them. This will keep the client coming back. Seasoned escorts often will see three of four regular clients each week with the occasional new client every few days. Some escorts become so successful that they do not even see new clients and only see a collection of regulars. However, over time circumstances change and clients and escorts move on which is why meeting new clients frequently is the best method of creating a successful and fresh client base.
What rates to charge
Escort rates fluctuate wildly but ultimately the escort should charge what they personally feel their time is worth. The best way to zero in on the figure to charge is to do some research of escorts in the local area and calculate what the going hourly rate is and assess just how saturated the market is. It is important to be realistic about your expectations because if you set the rates too high a prospective client will simply look elsewhere and rest assured, they will find an escort in their price range. If you set the rates too low, you will not be receiving what you feel is your true worth. The best advice is to set the bar high and lower them accordingly if necessary.
Typically, escorts charge a one-hour rate which is reduced by 5% – 10% for subsequent hours, a dinner date rate and an overnight stay rate. High-end elite escorts often will not offer one-hour appointments and will state the minimum booking length at two or three hours, this may result in fewer appointments but more financial reward for the appointments they do undertake. It is important to charge the client a travel fee for outcall appointments which will vary depending upon the travel distance. Another tactic is to offer some form of discount to reliable regular clients that book long, high paying appointments. A nice gesture may be to waive the travel fee for regular clients to show some form of appreciation, which is often warmly received by respectful clients. Once new clients have been screened the escort will typically charge a deposit ranging from 25% – 50% of the booking fee for the first appointment. This ensures that the client is serious and will not cancel the appointment at the last minute or fail to show. Deposits are often not required for subsequent bookings with an existing client.